The Lakeside Pool

The Lakeside Pool

Baby & Toddler Casual Swim – Rules, Terms & Conditions

This is an unmanned pool with no lifeguard, therefore all persons swim at their own risk. The Lakeside Pool will not be held liable for any accidents, injury or death.

The depth of the pool is 1.2 meters throughout.

Lone swimming is not permitted, therefore please only swim with a second adult present. If you are the only swimmer on the day, a member of our team will be there with you.

Please be aware that a phone is located in the viewing room, in an emergency use it to call 999.

Horse Play, Running and Diving is not permitted.

The pool hoist is to be used at your own risk. Please notify us in advance if you wish to use the hoist as it is only available upon request.

For everyone’s safety and security CCTV is in operation.

The First Aid kit is located in the viewing room. All accidents must be written in the accident book and The Lakeside Pool must be notified as soon as possible.

Any equipment including the pool cover must not be tampered with. Any damages must be reported to The Lakeside Pool as soon as possible.

Please do not leave belongings in the changing rooms. The Lakeside Pool holds no responsibility for anyone’s personal belongings.

Inflatables/Swimming aids are permitted but strictly no hard objects. Ball games are not permitted.

Strictly no throwing of any item in the pool room.

Footwear must be removed in the viewing room and not worn inside the changing rooms. Alternatively, disposable overshoes can be worn.

Food and Drink must not be consumed in the changing rooms or swimming pool area. 

Glasswear must not enter the building.

All swimmers must shower and use the toilet before entering the pool. Ammonia in any pool can cause stinging eyes and a chemical smell. Please help keep this to a minimum by using the toilet as a toilet, and not the pool as a toilet.

If any user has experienced diarrhoea, they must wait 14 days before using the pool.

All long hair must be tied up in the pool.

Please be considerate to other pool users and leave all areas how you would like to find them.

Please be aware there is an electric fence around the lake to keep otters out. PLEASE KEEP AWAY FROM THE FENCE.

Fire exits are located in the viewing room and swimming pool room. In the event of a fire the assembly point is the car park. 

All sessions are non-refundable.

Anyone not abiding by these terms and conditions may be asked to leave and banned from using The Lakeside Pool.

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